Humble opinions on problems and solutions for protection of Chinese medicinal material resources
摘要: 中药应用历史悠久,也是中医临床治病的重要手段,而中药资源有相当比重来源于野生资源。由于对野生中药资源的不合理开发利用,使其可持续发展正面临日益严峻的挑战。现就中药资源开发、濒危物种保护等存在的问题和策略,不揣浅陋,略述管见。Abstract: Chinese medicinal materials, as main treatment measures, are commonly used in clinic practice of Chinese traditional medicine with long history, and a significant proportion of Chinese medicinal material resources are from wild resource. Unreasonable exploitation and utilization of wild resources of Chinese medicinal material that happened in recent years make it a great challenge to sustainable development. This paper discussed on issues of Chinese medicinal material resources development and strategies of endanger species protection.
Key words:
- Chinese medicinal material resources /
- protection /
- strategy
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